Ethel befriends Florence Montgomery Coulter of Bowmanview, ON, at Sutton Veny Military Hospital, in Volume 6, and mentions her often, just as "Coulter". The nurses do not appear to have entries in Canada's "First World War Records", though my grandmother did get the same "Great War for Civilization" medal as all the males who served.

I will probably not be able to find biographical data on her colleagues.

Concordance of mentions of: coulter

NOTE: Links on right all lead back to this page, and don't work, from this page.

Vol 6 Scan 043Ethel and friend "Coulter" at Prior Park building.

Vol 6 Scan 043(Later pages identify Florence Montgomery Coulter, Bowmanville, ON)

Vol 6 Scan 043.z1Ethel Conybeare on left, "Coulter" friend on right, statue in between, label

Vol 6 Scan 043.z2Lower-right photo from scan 043, Ethel and friend Coulter sitting

Vol 6 Scan 044.z1Capt. Jamieson, Coulter, Capt. Hodgson, Mr. Ford

Vol 6 Scan 044.z1(Later pages identify Florence Montgomery Coulter, Bowmanville, ON)

Vol 6 Scan 044.z2Capt. Jamieson, Coulter, Capt. Hodgson, Mr. Ford

Vol 6 Scan 045.z1Ethel Conybeare is white hat on left, "Coulter" friend white hat on right.

Vol 6 Scan 045.z1(Later pages identify Florence Montgomery Coulter, Bowmanville, ON)

Vol 6 Scan 063of the audience". Music hall with Miss Coulter afterwards.

Vol 6 Scan 064Sister Lawrence, Irving Gane - Coulter's Fiance, Sister Fry, Stray Padre,

Vol 6 Scan 064Matron and Rannie (the dog), Sister Pooley, me, Coulter, S. Wray,

Vol 6 Scan 069Stories of "Miss Coulter", parcel discussion, and theatre.

Vol 6 Scan 090Colleagues "Coulter" is from Toronto but American-trained, "Collins"

Vol 6 Scan 105from a friend (perhaps the "Twin"?), and "Coulter and Collins" under two

Vol 6 Scan 107"Mac Ginlay", "Romrer", "Coulter", "Twin", "Me", "Brander!" Collins

Vol 6 Scan 142.z2Labeled "Collins and Coulter".

Vol 6 Scan 150Now working with "Coulter", now "Mrs. Gaus" "Was married for five days, and now