Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare   Scan: 135   Volume 6: May 5, 1916 (Boxmoor) - December 10, 1916 (Sutton Veny)

Keywords and Quotes

1916 October 19 - Sutton Veny - p.1
A year today since I started at Westminster - I hadn't known before there
was that much work in the world. The dingy little room.
"I enjoyed it immensely, despite these little drawbacks"
Happy at work, lately, mostly on "German side".

Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare   Scan: 135   Volume 6: May 5, 1916 (Boxmoor) - December 10, 1916 (Sutton Veny)