Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare   Scan: 145   Volume 6: May 5, 1916 (Boxmoor) - December 10, 1916 (Sutton Veny)

Keywords and Quotes

1916 November 5 - Sutton Veny - p.3
Sending staff pictures - one has all the orderlies and general duty R.A.M.C. men, and
lady clerks and cooks. (Appears as scan 154 in this volume.)
The other is just the nursing and medical staff. (Appears as scan 155 in this volume.)
Not complete, several were on leave or duty. "I think that on the whole they are bad
likenesses of almost everybody". (Amusing descriptions of how bad various friends look.
Page should be enjoyed while viewing the photograph.)

Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare   Scan: 145   Volume 6: May 5, 1916 (Boxmoor) - December 10, 1916 (Sutton Veny)