Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare Scan: 092 Volume 4: September 1915 (Kent) - January 1916 (Westminster Hospital)
Keywords and Quotes
1916 September 6 continued
Miss Roberts, the commandant of "London 30" thinks she is likely to be
chosen to come to Egypt with them. So Ethel will take Red Cross Exams:
Home Nursin and First Aid. Will need coaching without lectures. May
be able to stay in the Home (27 Queen's Gate, now a 1.7M pound flat)
while studying. Was sent by Devonshire House to Mrs. Ross, Hon. Sec. of
the Westminster Division for doctors who could innoculate her, cheap hostels,
etc. (Clearly nursing volunteerism was encouraged.)
Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare Scan: 092 Volume 4: September 1915 (Kent) - January 1916 (Westminster Hospital)