Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare Scan: 095 Volume 4: September 1915 (Kent) - January 1916 (Westminster Hospital)
Keywords and Quotes
1916 January 7 continued
Hospital built around "Mrs. Astor's Estate", now 900 beds, a "nice little theatre" (operating room), X-ray department, all complete. Had lunch with
nurses, called sisters.
1916 January 8
Met Joyce, went to Dominion Bank, met Jimmie Jones brother from Carpathia
in 1910. Joyce off to France on Monday; is certified masseuse, six
month course, Royal Massage Society, 8th in 100 candidates.
Last couple of nights at Westminster in "East Extras" (blurred writing, I think it is:) "such a cosy, compact little set of"
Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare Scan: 095 Volume 4: September 1915 (Kent) - January 1916 (Westminster Hospital)