Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare   Scan: 044.z1   Volume 5: January 1916 (Warwick Club) - April 30, 1916 (Boxmoor House, Hertfordshire)

Keywords and Quotes

Top picture from scan 44, rescanned at 300 dpi.
Group picture of 8 women in front of a wooden gate, is almost certainly the
snapshot mentioned on Scans 059 and 060:
"In the large group by the gate...your humble servant...talking...on one side of me, the Sister [presumed "Blackmore"], on the other Miss George [with] different headgear. Miss Gladstone with white apron and cap; Miss Spencer-Smith with hair parted and a pleasant expression, Miss Macdonald, sweet and pretty, Miss Nickson, the artist-maid. The group of two is Miss Macdonald and Miss Spencer-Smith."
Working from that, I believe the eight, left-to-right, are:
Miss Bouwen, Miss George with Croix Rouge Francois, Ethel Conybeare, Sister Blackmore, Miss Gladstone, Miss Macdonald, Miss Spencer-Smith, Miss Nickson.
Descriptions of all of them continue on scan 060.

Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare   Scan: 044.z1   Volume 5: January 1916 (Warwick Club) - April 30, 1916 (Boxmoor House, Hertfordshire)