Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare   Scan: 102   Volume 6: May 5, 1916 (Boxmoor) - December 10, 1916 (Sutton Veny)

Keywords and Quotes

1916 September 19 - Sutton Veny - p.2
Awaiting back pay, must go to London to get at least six guineas of
warm clothing, other necessities, so will need a draft from Dad.
Trying to arrange leave around Xmas with "Twin" (?) friend she's made.

Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare   Scan: 102   Volume 6: May 5, 1916 (Boxmoor) - December 10, 1916 (Sutton Veny)