Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare   Scan: 039   Volume 7: December 21, 1916 (Sutton Veny) - April 5, 1917 (26th General Hospital, B.E.F.)

Keywords and Quotes

1917 March 19 - Sutton Veny - p.3
Shoes needed as "one would rather die that get at the Stores!"
[Next page indicates this means "Army and Navy Stores"]
Drew fifty dollars half in French notes. Kit allowance is generous, quite
enough to cover all we must buy. Needed many other clothes, etc, made
a trip to Mr. Jones essential. Five pounds in French money is precautionary.
He [presume "Mr. Jones"] will draw on my account and draw on Dad to cover
overdraft - hardly expect that to be necessary, as we get a field allowance.

Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare   Scan: 039   Volume 7: December 21, 1916 (Sutton Veny) - April 5, 1917 (26th General Hospital, B.E.F.)