Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare   Scan: 056   Volume 7: December 21, 1916 (Sutton Veny) - April 5, 1917 (26th General Hospital, B.E.F.)

Keywords and Quotes

1917 April 5 - 26th General Hospital, B.E.F. (British Expeditionary Force) France - p.4
I hope she can put it off until she is back in England, rather than be ill in
a YMCA hostel in France!
I wonder if Dolly could get special leave, but she would probably have to resign
as the Push is expected any minute with spring.
"It does seem such a rotten shame to throw away gallant, young, nineteen-year-old lives like Sonny's - because it's just sheer luck if one ever gets back from a raiding party - he would never have got in at all if a sergeant hadn't picked him off the barbed wire, then the sergeant got it, and they lay, three or four of them, dead and alive together, in a shell hole for twenty four hours before they were found. 'Killed in action' is rather more glorious than otherwise, but 'Died of wounds' is awful - how awful, we who have seen it know only too well."

Diaries of Ethel Eva Brander, nee Conybeare   Scan: 056   Volume 7: December 21, 1916 (Sutton Veny) - April 5, 1917 (26th General Hospital, B.E.F.)