Dora's Page: An often-daily photoblog to assure Connie's Mom We're Still Here

Link to First Five Years of "Dora's Page", 2019-2024

2024 May 23: Not Dead Yet!

Practically the motto of Dora's Page, we're just letting you know we are still around. I realized the other day that this tree, which I put Sidney upon once just to entertain him (I had to lift him down, too, before he jumped and broke a shoulder) is still alive. That branch that came back is growing more every year. Never give up!

The geese have been doing their best to be unbearable, lately. Constantly honking, flying around the building, having loud arguments on our roof. I mean, right over my head as I type, two arms-lengths away.

This worthy did a bunch of honking on the roof beside the condo, then flew across the street to occupy this commanding position, and just regard his neighbourhood, Lord of All He Surveys.

2024 May 22: Layers of Flowers at the Golf Course

2024 May 21: Siberian Bugloss

2024 May 20: Streets of Flowers

2024 May 19: Rhodo Rampage

2024 May 18: Stand of Bamboo?

2024 May 17: Two Gardens, One Ready, One Done

2024 May 16: Swampwading, Dry Pool

Earlier Entries, 2019-2024