Canada Must Go Nuclear and Switch Our Weapons Suppliers

We must buy or develop our own nuclear weapons to protect Canadian soil.

We must also cancel as many American weapons-system purchases as our military can reasonably handle, while looking for alternatives for all future purchases. Most definitely, cancel the F-35 for any non-American warplane.

Building nukes was called "Thinking the unthinkable". But the real "unthinkable", for Canadians, was the loss of American alliance. That "unthinkable" is really happening. We were so complacent about it, we weren't ready, despite all those warnings. Get over it. This is not "just Donald Trump". This Is America. This is who they are, now.

He made it clear, just last February, that "No, I would not protect you, in fact, I would encourage [Russia] to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay." then he was re-elected with a popular vote victory. The popular vote for him was higher among Gen-X than Boomers. The Trump-trend is not going away with America's changing demographics.

Even if Trump fails badly, and his party changes, America will remain in this position, or be able to switch to it in a year flat. (Trump was nobody, indeed a joke, on January 20, 2016.)

We Cannot Rely Upon NATO

NATO is not a dead letter. The real core meaning of NATO, of course, is to keep every country from going nuclear, by guaranteeing their protection by the existing nuclear powers (UK, France, USA), who swear to risk nuclear hellfire from Russia if any of the other NATO countries are attacked.

We have now seen what happens when the new, weapons-grade right-wingery takes over America. Right now, France and the UK seem much stabler, but both, and Germany, have substantial "extreme-right" parties of their own, doing well. They could flip in one election flat, perhaps no warning.

As Gwynne Dyer stressed about Ukraine, three years back, promises are worthless. We had no certainty because we could be certain our protectors were our friends unto death; we felt certain that they saw our enemy as their enemy.

We Must Stop Buying Weapons From the USA

I'm not advocating anything really drastic. You have to keep up inventories and capability. I mean switch away from them as a supplier as quickly as practicable.

That's where "practicable" includes the new military budget, which just doubled. We need new military budget for the switchover, for the nukes, and for development of weapons systems of our own, domestically.

Above all, the budget changes because we need the respect. We absolutely cannot tolerate these insults and threats without a really strong reply, and bourbon won't cut it.

If we keep buying, after being told that NATO is a dead letter in their eyes, we will look pathetically weak, and be treated as such, ever after - bullyable. Nice Presidents will do it, too, Trump having shown that it is cost-free.

At a minimum, cancel the F-35, and a dozen other purchases that are recent, or not even concrete.

Both these positions invert my personal beliefs of 50 years, it's killing me. I just can't escape the logic. main page

Letter to my MP requesting nuclear weapons