Dora's Page: An often-daily photoblog to assure Connie's Mom We're Still Here

Link to First Five Years of "Dora's Page", 2019-2024

2024 May 22: Layers of Flowers at the Golf Course

I saw a chance to get three dimensions going in a shot of the flowers that surround our tiny golf course in the Park. In front, three floral trees; but look to the back, where the golf game continues.

Alan was highly amused by this group of Vespa fans that, like the Hell's Angels taking over a bar. This is "Heck's Angels, taking over a McDonalds". I bet they made the servers bring extra fries.

2024 May 21: Siberian Bugloss

2024 May 20: Streets of Flowers

2024 May 19: Rhodo Rampage

2024 May 18: Stand of Bamboo?

2024 May 17: Two Gardens, One Ready, One Done

2024 May 16: Swampwading, Dry Pool

Earlier Entries, 2019-2024