Dora's Page: An often-daily photoblog to assure Connie's Mom We're Still Here

Link to First Five Years of "Dora's Page", 2019-2024

2024 May 28: Duck Couple With Two-Pool Lifestyle

The very first entry on the new "doraspage" directory was May 16, the "Dry Pool" with the lovely flowers. That pool is right behind the Aquarium where the sea lions swim, and across the walkway. Well, that pool is all filled up, after a week of rain, and a duck couple have been enjoying it:

Yesterday's post showed a gaggle of geese escorting their kids to the other pool, east across the walkway, and nearer the Aquarium. This is that same pool, now cleared of the goslings, with a Duck couple enjoying it, snacking away.

I've looked closely, and while no expert, I'm pretty sure its the same ducks. Man, have they got a sweet spot. Two pools to forage in, no waiting.

2024 May 27: 12 Geese Parents, 20 goslings

2024 May 26: Yellow-White Iris

2024 May 25: Happy Park Crowd

2024 May 24: Flowers from Alan and Loblaw

2024 May 23: Not-Dead Tree and the Lordly Goose

2024 May 22: Layers of Flowers at the Golf Course

2024 May 21: Siberian Bugloss

2024 May 20: Streets of Flowers

2024 May 19: Rhodo Rampage

2024 May 18: Stand of Bamboo?

2024 May 17: Two Gardens, One Ready, One Done

2024 May 16: Swampwading, Dry Pool

Earlier Entries, 2019-2024