Dora's Page: An often-daily photoblog to assure Connie's Mom We're Still Here

Link to First Five Years of "Dora's Page", 2019-2024

2024 July 17: Efficient Housing in West Kelowna

Alan has sent me another barge-load of phloral photos, but I have to tell you about West Kelowna. I'm not sure if any of this even existed when I was going to Kelowna almost 60 years back for our vacations with the grandparents.

We stayed in a suite, part of a single house, in the most compact single-family neighbourhood I've ever seen. This is the house, with our car beside it. They sacrificed some precious garden space to ensure their guests have parking.

Having trouble seeing whether the house is large or small? It's not big. It's just very, very near the houses around it. Here's how much lawn they have:

And, 3m from that, turn around to see the neighbour's house and their "back yard", plus the backyard on the other side, in background:

Looking straight across the street, you can see how close the next row of houses, across a narrow alley, is, from the ones in the foreground - and you can see the condo behind that street, behind them:

I could see that block of townhomes and condos from an "emergency lane" a few doors down.

You can imagine it would be difficult for everybody to leave the neighbourhood in case of another West Kelowna forest fire. Everybody would be trying to get all their trucks, SUVs, motor homes, and boats through the narrow streets. No wonder there's a narrow lot sacrificed to "emergency lane":

Absolutely everybody appears to believe their "garage" is for storing other stuff than vehicles. It was more than a bit horrifying, really...

2024 July 6: Last Post for a Week: Lily

2024 July 5: Clearing Out Beairsto Bounty (II)

2024 July 4: Clearing Out Beairsto Bounty (I)

2024 July 3: Rose Garden is Back for 2024, Baby!

2024 July 2: Green and Red

2024 July 1: Canada Day Birds

2024 June 30: Long Exposure at Bolton

2024 June 29: Fuschia Shock

2024 June 26-27: Splendor in the Grass

2024 June 25: Under the Canopy

2024 June 24: Short and Wide

2024 June 23: Catching Up With Allan

2024 June 22: I Got Back to Work!

2024 June 20: I Got Into The Newspaper

2024 June 19: Deer and Sticky Willie

2024 June 18: Think Pink!

2024 June 17: Alan's New Flowers: Busy Lizzie

2024 June 16: Flock Gathers Below My Podium

2024 June 15: Bell with an Ant

2024 June 14: Just Ducky

2024 June 13: Rugosa Rose, and Oh, Deer!

2024 June 12: Azalea

2024 June 11: Beairsto Backlog

2024 June 10: Resumption of Dora's Page with Alan!

2024 June 6: The Great Calgary Mainbreak of 2024

2024 June 5: Rainy Day Pictures

2024 June 1: Allium and Pansy

2024 May 31: Rose Garden Up and Running

2024 May 30: Beaver Lake Lily Pads

2024 May 29: Low Tide

2024 May 28: Duck Couple with Two Ponds

2024 May 27: 12 Geese Parents, 20 goslings

2024 May 26: Yellow-White Iris

2024 May 27: 12 Geese Parents, 20 goslings

2024 May 25: Happy Park Crowd

2024 May 24: Flowers from Alan and Loblaw

2024 May 23: Not-Dead Tree and the Lordly Goose

2024 May 22: Layers of Flowers at the Golf Course

2024 May 21: Siberian Bugloss

2024 May 20: Streets of Flowers

2024 May 19: Rhodo Rampage

2024 May 18: Stand of Bamboo?

2024 May 17: Two Gardens, One Ready, One Done

2024 May 16: Swampwading, Dry Pool

Earlier Entries, 2019-2024