I was looking at old photos to take more of a break before I show the last blossom pictures of 2019. I found this one from 2016, our trip to Cuba. A typical food store in Havana, with almost nothing to offer. Every Thanksgiving, give thanks you aren't Cuban.
This one is like my 2019 pictures from the Deep Woods of Stanley, but taken in 2017. I propped up the camera phone for a picture of me in the woods with the sunlight streaming through in shafts of light. It's wonderful in there.
2019 May 30: Ravine Trail to Beaver Lake
2019 May 28-29: Our Garden and Stanley Forests
2019 May 27: The Umbrella Tree
2019 May 26: Animals of Stanley Park
2019 May 24: Last of the Rose Garden South
2019 May 22: Rose Garden, South End #2
2019 May 21: Retiro and Kitten-Warmers
2019 May 20: Goslings and our Chilco Neighbours
2019 May 19: Finishing up the "back walk" all-floral garden.
2019 May 18: First trip to the Rose Garden South
2019 May 17: More "backwalk" south of Lost Lagoon and Lagoon Drive